The Hell Project
The Hell Project
A Response to John MacArthur on Hell - Live Stream

A Response to John MacArthur on Hell - Live Stream

John MacArthur's sermon on hell has been viewed over 670,000 times and he misrepresents annihilationism pretty badly. He also puts words and ideas into scripture that are not necessarily in the text. I'm not here to demonise John MacArthur or his sermon but I am here to show that an alternative to MacArthur's interpretations exist and they are worth looking into.  

Original video:

Rethinking Hell's response: 

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The Hell Project
The Hell Project
"Without Jesus we are all dead"
I discuss the bible and conditional immortality. This is the biblical view that shows that rejecting the author of life leads to death and not an existence of eternal torment.
For other resources and scripts to non-live videos from me, see the website:
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