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Live Streams
This month has been a little quieter in terms of postings here on my substack but you’ll find several new videos across all platforms, and two live streams on my YouTube channel.
I posted the recent chat with Rebekah Davis who made an excellent (I think) scriptural case for an inclusivist position in response to the question ‘what about those who haven’t heard the gospel?”. You can find that post here: click me
However I didn’t post the following two livestreams, mostly because I forgot, but on reflection, I will eventually be posting them on my podcast and don’t want several duplicate posts to confuse people.
I thoroughly enjoyed chatting with author, comedian, and preacher, Andy Kind. We discuss the impact on evangelism and where discussion on hell fits within conversations with seekers. Let me know what you make of it:
I also had a chat with William Tanksley Jr and Darren Clark about my most read blog post following an interaction with Dr David Falk, a Christian Egyptologist who decided to make a video about views on Hell. You can find the article here if you missed it: click me
A new series
I was finding that I was repeating arguments when creating response videos and though I have a fairly substantial ‘to respond to’ playlist, I’ve decided to dedicate more time making a scriptural case for conditionalism in short video format. You can find the playlist here or by watching the video below on YouTube:
I’m hoping that these short videos will introduce people both to conditionalism and scripture and the hope of new creation more generally.
Coming up
In terms of videos, I’m still hoping to have a conversation with a universalist who goes by Spartan Theology on Twitter but life for both of us continues to be busy so we haven’t yet been able to fix a date. I’ve also found out I have a mutual friend with Robin Parry, who wrote The Evangelical Universalist, so once I’ve finished reading that book I’ll hopefully be able to have a chat with him. Watch this space…
I am still working on my Revelation study and have found Ian Paul’s Tyndale New Testament Commentary and Scot McKnight’s “Revelation For The Rest of Us” particularly helpful for unpicking the theology in Revelation 6 but it is slow going all the same as I am engaging with several substantial commentaries all at the same time. If you have recently subscribed or not yet read the series so far, you can find my interaction with the initial chapters of Revelation here:
Thank you!
I greatly appreciate your reading, supporting, sharing, and commenting on the various content I create. Your feedback is invaluable, especially those who disagree and help me refine or ditch arguments as scripture and good reasoning demands. If there is a particular topic or person you’d like me to interact with, do get in touch and I’ll see what I can do!
God bless,